Un/Faithful blog prompt.

File:Maliavanki FROM VILEIKA with LOVE 14.09.2013 Minsk 01.jpg

File:Maliavanki FROM VILEIKA with LOVE 14.09.2013 Minsk 01.jpg


Ref:  Do I have faith?

After a lot of misgivings and flirting with atheism, then being agnostic but never sure – because I couldn’t quite believe there was nothing – I found out what I believe about faith.

Some years ago while listening to the radio I heard a man of God say:  It’s all quite simple – God is love.

Well, what a relief!

I had been brought up Plymouth Brethren, not a fun way to go through life – I left at 16 years old.  I had Roman Catholic friends and that didn’t quite fit.  I’d been saved by the Church of England, so I was officially a Christian for passport purposes.  I dissolved into tears at the sound of a Salvation Army Band because I knew I was a sinner.

And then:

That man who should know said – God is love.

I can believe in that wholeheartedly.


LaLa Land by Malabar Cash is an ebook  for Kindle: available on Amazon.  Enjoy!